24 September, 2024

Given to receive and give away!


While on a morning walk at dawn, in a hill station, I felt fascinated by the field and tree receiving a new look at dawn. The above three photographs taken at five minutes apart, brought a new look to the greenery. 

I stayed on to watch the incremental changes in the hue of colours  the sunshine brought to the field and trees. 

In the closed up view below, the trees looked more visible, with light falling on the foliage, giving them an ornamental look. 

This play of colours brought in by light captured my attention. It is what is given by light which makes trees, grass and the field look colourful and brighter. 

I remembered a statement of St Paul in I Corinthians 3:7, '..And what do you have that you did not receive?...'! 

I stayed for a while at this site, at the intersection of a mountain and valley. The mountain and the valley received the sunshine at dawn making them look natural. Devoid of the light, the nature had a dusky and uninviting appearance. 

Sometimes, I got carried away by some experiences and regarded them as achievements. 

It was a good occasion to feel within, that what I have, is 'given' ! This changes the perspectives and outlook. If we attribute what we have to our achievements, the tendency is to possess and hold on to them. But when the consciousness of having been given dawns on us, it is easier to give away what is given. 

I remember a conversation with late Dr V Benjamin,  professor of community Medicine at CMC, Vellore in 1983. He having come back after his FRCP in medicine, was requested by the CMC administration to take charge of the community medicine department. He returned from Britain to be active in general medicine with special interest in cardiology. It was difficult for him to move into community medicine, where he initially thought that he would not be able to use his skills and abilities. He mentioned to me that, it was the verse quoted above that helped him to make a transition from general medicine to community medicine. He lived with the consciousness that, what he had was 'given' to him. The legacy that he left in the practice of community medicine is historical. If the Kaniyampadi block at Bagayam has an exceptionally commendable health parameters, it is because of his foresight and interventional plan, which continued after his time, with the new initiatives of Dr Abraham Joseph. 

It is when we grow in this consciousness, that all what we have received in our life, to make us what we are professionally and personally, are given to us, we live with open hands and open heart!

I returned from the morning walk, carrying this consciousness of what Jesus of Nazareth referred to: '...freely you received, freely give'! (Matt.10: 8).

That is another journey of awakening, transition and change !

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)


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