10 September, 2024

Abundance of goodness!

Every morning walk in the village,  where Anna and I are on a holiday, brings some sights that bring an awareness of the plenty of refreshing events that go on silently all around us. 

The different birds in different sites tell us a lot of the environment which the birds find comfortable to access for their flight path. A myna nesting in the wall of a building in the hospital campus, where we live now, was a fascinating sight. Although I waited a while to see more bird movements around this nesting place, it did not happen. I went back couple of times during the day to the site to spot the myna, but it was not visible at the mouth of the hole on the wall. 

The flowers in the garden, brought a cheerful message of how they have remained fresh and fragrant even with the day temperature soaring to 36 degrees. The recent intermittent rains made the plants and trees bear a look of freshness. 

We are surrounded by signs of life that refresh us. The hospital had three hundred patients visiting the out patient department yesterday. It is a high number for a few doctors to look after. The sense of devotion and altruism with which they do this moved me as they spread an ambience of mindfulness and attentiveness among the patients and families who visit the hospital. 

The vocation of life is to be fruitful. Anna and I feel refreshed by what we witness around us in the hospital campus, where the unspoken message is 'love your neighbour as yourself'!

The scenes of care in the street outside the hospital, where a mother beholds her child and two women accompany a senior citizen with hemiplegia who walks slowly assisted by his walking stick, left impressions of inspiration about 'love that abides'!

I heard an Indian politician, Mr Rahul Gandhi  talk about his political vocation to practice  'love, respect and humility' in public life, while addressing students in New York city yesterday. How refreshing to hear that as a calling, which Rahul stated as the value in his political pursuit!

I felt surrounded by abundance of goodness all around us!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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