16 September, 2024

Even the last receives!

The Mango trees are with their tender leaves; the rice fields are turning brown suggestive of the rice head maturing; the rose bush has fresh flowers; a young Magpie robin is hopping in the garden and a Bulbul is feeding from a feeding bowl...!

All these are some signs in nature, of the rhythm of changes associated with the seasonal transition. 

I felt that I was standing at an intersection of a transition, which would be soon followed by fruits and harvest in the trees in our garden!

I am fascinated by the message of hope the trees, plants and avian life bring about life and the variances of its expressions in nature!

It is in the background of this prospect and promotion of life. we feel appalled by the conflict which escalated recently in Russian-Ukranian and Israel-Palestinain borders. The army of these countries are involved in destroying human life and habitations.  I feel frozen  by the ineffectiveness of the United Nations Organisation, which was a creation of hope for peace, following the Second World War. 

The nature sings for us a chorus of peace and hope; some inhabitants of the earth counter it by hateful and provocative mutual behaviour.

The Myna above, precariously perched on a slender branch, in preparation for its downward flight caught my attention. Whether it is an upward or downward flight, what makes flying it possible is its wings and flying skills. It overcomes the force of gravity and creates its own path forward. 

I wish the traction for violence, which is the force of gravity often seen in human behaviour would come to cease. Humans are overcomers! How is that we surrender to the lure of violence to achieve, possess and control!

The above sight of birds at the feeding station in our garden renews my hope each day. There is plenty for each bird because of which they take turns to feed and stay together celebrating togetherness! The avians are fraternal, although they too succumb sometimes to their carnal nature to harm others to dominate!

This sight in our feeding station each morning lifts me up to remember the law in nature, 'live and let others live' !

This pair of Mynas were the last ones to come to the feeding station on one morning. Even the last finds enough food! Therefore there is no need to struggle to be first!

What a consciousness of wellness and peace this thought brings!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)



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