07 September, 2024

Looking forward !


Anna and I are currently on a visit to a hospital in north India. I set out for a walk in the morning. Of course, finding birds was my primary interest. I did find a few, which I normally do not come a cross in the place of our usual residence.  That was certainly a delight. 

What was lot more interesting was a boy who was learning to ride a bicycle on the road early enough to have the road for himself before the morning traffic began. He uses his father's bicycle which is higher for him to ride. So he rides by peddling by standing between the peddles. He has to stop frequently as he looses the balance due to an awkward way of peddling. He looked interested to talk to me seeing the camera and lens. It was he who pointed me to the paddy field where there were birds early in the morning. 

His story of wanting to learn bicycling even when it is difficult to ride a taller cycle impressed me. His eyes are fixed on the future when he can have his own bicycle. 

What a determination and anticipation!

To find a child who is seven years old, from a disadvantaged background and who shared his enterprising and expectant spirit with me, was the highlight of the morning walk! 

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)


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