28 September, 2024

Small birds and thier behaviour!


It is not common to find a Sunbird pausing to have its photo taken! 

However, this Sunbird gave me few seconds in between its movements and change of posture today morning. The swiftness of Sunbird is its habit. Some small birds by nature move swiftly and frequently as they are conditioned that way. 

Its colour combination, well groomed and sleek body and habit of finding flowers for nectar in a garden stand out to me as something special about the Sunbirds. 

It is not easy to capture a Sunbird while gathering nectar. I felt pleased to have been able to capture that although the two phots are not sharp enough 

Then the bird moved to the tree little distance away. It kept climbing to the top of the Neem tree.

When it reached the top, it started to look for insects to feed on. I was surprised to see it nibbling on the leaves. 

A Sunbird has its fixed stations for its flight path. As I knew of the regular stations, I was ready to capture the usual and unusual activities of a Sunbird. 

I do not remember noticing a Sunbird looking for insects on the bark or nibbling leaves. 

A keen birder once told me that one should be open to look for new behaviour in birds which are familiar to us. 

I felt good that we have a garden with some flowering plants that they can come to. 

Small birds bring a graceful addition to a garden!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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