25 September, 2024

Waiting for Food !

The birds above were looking for food in the feeding station in our garden!

I had filled the bowl at dawn. When I went back after half an hour I found the birds above, waiting to be fed. One Bulbul reached the bowl and opened its beaks to have a bite of the fruit. But the bowl was empty as other birds consumed the morning supply. 

It was immediately after refilling the bowl, I turned to the newspaper to read about shortage of food following the escalation of war in Lebanon and Gaza, because of the mindless provocative behaviour of the government in Jerusalem. It looks like children are worst affected lot, as food supply chain is disrupted. 

I feel that the UNO, and countries such as USA, UK, France, Germany or India did not do enough to negotiate a peaceful settlement. 

I long for peace and this flower bunch in our garden greets me with that message. 

The jasmine plant above in our garden, allows a dragon fly to rest on its emerging bud. It hosts a dragon fly!

Why is Israel is not willing to allow the Palestinians to stay in their territory and demilitarise that region! The law in nature is to protect and offer  hospitality to those who are vulnerable! Why can't Israel be mindful of the Palestinians who have nothing left to live on!

I am surprised that the global leadership is passive when so much human suffering is caused to the Ukrainians and Palestinians!

Soon the advent season would be at our door step to remember the birth of prince of peace in a manger ! But peace is a far reality for many! 

Will there be an equivalent of the Quaker movement, which brought people and communities together for peace during the Second World War!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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