28 September, 2024

The Family in the digital age!

Anna and I live in a village where only three news papers are available. None of those newspapers are the type we would have normally subscribed as they represent a cluster of thoughts suitable for those who are futuristic generationally and not trans-generational in news and views. Even the editorials carry a leaning towards the emerging future in sight!

No wonder one of those newspapers had the photo above of digital creation of the Alpha generation, in its central page with a good article to educate the commons on what is to emerge. 

I found out that in the year 2010, the Alpha generation came to life, replacing the generation Z. This generation is born in a digital world where new technologies form human mind, behaviour, socialisation and work orientation. This generation will 'live through screens'. 

Mark McCrindle of Australia seems to have coined this term. This generation Alpha, 'will play, learn, and interact in a completely new way, thanks to the new technologies'. The members of generation Alpha, rely on technology to discover the world. The Artificial Intelligence or voice will be the common methods of communication, using gesture-based interfaces to communicate between devices and humans. I have my computer reminding me to use the services Siri. Alexa is already in many homes, ready to offer services at their voice command. 

The mobile devices, virtual assistants, toys and accessories,  designs of vehicles, and digital intelligence for data collections are going through changes to meet with the aspirations of a fully digital generation. The Alpha generation will be hyperconnected, independent to make their own decisions, using video as the source of their learning and interactive model, and technologically conditioned and diverse in their tastes, life style and points of view. 

The Alpha generation would carry the risk of reduced attention span and concentration, diminished orientation towards socialisation, creativity, imagination, and reduced ability to attain happiness. 

Yesterday, about 70 kilometres away from where we live,  three ATM facilities had their cash stolen by looters specialising in using high technology devices to loot. Although they were caught, while escaping with one thief dying in the encounter and two police officials sustaining injury, the message has come home, that we live in a fast changing circumstance where technology would be used in multifarious ways. 

I felt deeply for the generation Alpha, as what I saw in our garden, following a short rain fall would not fascinate the generation Alpha. 

What surprised me was how Jungle Babblers, a Tree pie, a Wood pecker, and a squirrel were seen together in a tree, searching for food and yet comfortable with each other, which would not be the usual situation. 

While  watching this socialisation, the thought of the generation Alpha came back to me. They would live, learn, and work in a digital world. They would socialise less and relate largely for utilitarian purposes. 

More birds came to visit the gathering of birds and squirrel in the tree- a Barbet, Bulbul, and Myna. It was an assembly of birds to celebrate a social occasion. 

My thoughts turned to a searching question. How are we getting ready to encourage social, moral and spiritual orientation to the Alpha generation?  Their natural instincts would be to live driven by a digital life style. 

I have recently tried to glance at the global trend among teenagers following the lock down of two years during the COVID pandemic. There is an increased interest in social activities, groups interactions, joint ventures to promote climate control, family outings, sports and games, probably following the 'screen fatigue' during the COVID season. 

It is now three years since life returned to the regular rhythm following the COVID season. The local presbyters of the churches I have some contacts with, mentioned to me that the regular attendance in the Sunday worship services has not returned to the pre-COVID times. I sometimes wonder if they were more concerned about the drop in the income of the church than the wellness of people! 

During a recent interaction with faculty in a Medical College, what surfaced in the conversation was about the needs of their children and the changes that are worrisome due to a greater digital dependence. However, the way I saw children play,  interact and jointly sang songs of interest to them, made me feel that parenting is at stake rather than the readiness of children to pursue interactive learning. 

The parents in their mid thirties have been through the changes in their life style in a digital world. They live partly in the digital world. Their social skills might have been compromised; or their child nurturing instincts might have been blunted. 

This generation of parents are in transition. Some of them feel uprooted and are yet to find their new grounding. 

The childhood generation Alpha and the parents in transition to find their grounding! A bad combination!

I wish there will be more focus on enabling parents to equip themselves to be parents of the Alpha generation!

M.C.Mathew (text and photo, the first photo from the Times of India on 26.9.2024)

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