03 July, 2019

Health care or wellness provision!

Following this report in a national newspaper, there has been some discussion among some of us who come face to face with some realities of health status in the sate of Kerala.

If we were to include some indices like alcohol or substance dependance, domestic violence, status of women's rights, bankruptcy or debt due to health care expenses, etc. I wonder whether the state of Kerala would still be in there forefront !

We tend to go by some health care indices which are only a gross indicators of health status of a community. What is needed to enquire whether health care indicators add to the wellness of individuals and families. 

Yesterday, a mother, with her hypotonic toddler of 18 months, came to visit to find a way for promoting his development. While talking about a modified chair to help him sit to provide more stability for his trunk control, she sounded hesitant to think about it because of the cost involved. The income from her working husband does not meet all their regular needs. This is not an exceptional situation. I come across similar stories almost every day.

I have often wondered whether provisions for the disadvantaged is adequate! 

A private limited company located in our town, Synthite, has a scheme to help any family with a genuine health need and this goes a long way to tide over a difficult situation. If only congregations of local churches would also be generous to do so, the wellness needs of some families would get attended to!  

If there is a common purse created by voluntary contributions form the community in every village, there would be some support available to families in an emergency for health care.  One admission in  hospital for an acute illness would cost a family thousands of rupees. A resident doctor mentioned to me that a needle which can be reused for a biopsy after autoclaving a few times, cannot be reused according to the revised protocol. A new needle adds to the cost of biopsy by another 4000 rupees. Otherwise the cost would have been equally shared between three or four patients. 

The health care cost is on an escalating trajectory! So Insurance companies have come in between with attractive offers. So we end up living with technology and insurance driven health care in India! 

I live with a question: is health care ethics guiding health care technology and insurance policies!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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