02 July, 2019

A fruit with diverse benefits !

This is the first season of plenty of Chikoo (Sapota) fruits in our garden. We have three bushes of this plant and one planted five years ago is now yielding plenty. 

It is one fruit considered equivalent to Jack fruit and Mango, rich in anti-oxidants and calories. There are at least 25 health benefits attributed to this fruit. 

When we gathered the first fruits of this season last week, Anna and I recollected how it was just  a one foot tall plant when we planted. It has grown taller than our heights, spread over a wide area with multiple branches and each branch with a good number of fruits. While this generation of  fruits is  ripening, there are multiple small ones appearing after the recent flowering of the plant..

I get a new sense of the parables Jesus of nazareth spoke to His followers about soil and sowing. The seed which fell on good soil brought forth plenty. 

The sower chooses the soil, prepares the soil and picks up the suitable seed to sow. Then the farmer waits patiently!

What and how we sow determines the outcome.

We sow through our words and actions. 

I received flowers and a flower vase from my colleagues in connection with my birthday. They sowed kindness and thoughtfulness into my soul. 

I realise once again how sowing acts of kindness can be touching and transforming. 

When we are lavish in giving and caring, we spread the aroma of goodness.

Somehow, we need to create an antidote to suspicion, indifference, hatred, competition and revengeful orientation, which is acceding space in our society. The root of these unhealthy trends reside within us much before they get expressed. We are humans and therefore collaborators! How can we bring this into a greater consciousness.

The prime minister of India sought people to collaborate for saving water. In the same speech, he talked harshly about an unfortunate event that happened in the political history of India thirty five or so years ago. When we recurrently refer to acts of commission and omission of the past we allow wounds to simmer and cause division and collaboration. Even in politics, the past gives us lessons of wisdom and cannot be a weapon to control by hurting!

The fruit in the garden is for everyone, no matter one us eco friendly or not! This nation of India  healing touch from fear and hatred! The current leadership seems to gain brownie point by attacking the first prime minister of India. Why this obsession!

Our life can be a means of healing for others if we speak the language of togetherness!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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