19 December, 2018

Vulnerability of living relationally.

Almost all the buds in the rose plants in our garden are in multiples. This has been a theme for my photography for a while now.

As I revisited couple of hundred photographs of the last six months, I felt inclined to think of it in a metaphorical way.

Solitary and relational existence!

Anna and I lived in three campuses of medical institutions during the last forty five years of our clinical career. There are some who live insulated from others and some others who live publicly relationally. 

Although we do not live in the hospital campus now, hence have limited relational engagements with others, we do take efforts to stay in touch with some regularly. It is our way of living. 

In every relationships, there are gains and losses. That cannot be the reason to pursue relationships or give up relationships. 

Whichever way we live, there is vulnerability to suspicion, misunderstanding, control, imposition of ideas, manipulation, anger, gossip etc.

All these are risks when we want to live relationally. 

Jesus of Nazareth, went about doing good. 

It is this way of relational living that is set before us! 

For Anna and myself, this inspiration is our consolation when some relationships have become fragile and broken in the recent months.   

How much more of goodness we can share with others, that God creates within us is our calling! 

The relational dimension in the institution where we work for six years back used to be more fraternal, mutual and collaborative. It is changing to a work oriented view. It is in this context, this invitation to live relationally inspite of increasing vulnerability and declining value to living relationally is all the more a calling to pursue!

This is season of winter in relationships, but there is hope of the spring!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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