26 December, 2018

Two Tits on the Christmas day, 2018 !

I have often noticed small birds less than fifteen centimetres in length in the rose apple trees in our garden. I tried to take their pictures on several occasions. I could not manage to take sharp pictures on all those occasions as they move quickly and do not pause enough in between the moves. 

Yesterday, I got a few pictures, thanks to the camera and the telephoto lens!

The first one is a Grey Tit, and the second one is a White winged black Tit. The striking white patch of hair below the eyes is the striking feature of Tits. They are birds which often can be seen in the fruit bearing trees. 

The Tits prefer quiet places. 

Our dogs Daffney and Dulcie 'tolerate' birds. So we have new bird arrivals during this season around our cottage. 

The small birds have something special about them. It is the movements of the leaves or their birdsongs which make us alert about their presence!

The sparrows in general are pretty birds. They are elegant to look at at and their birdsongs are musical and melodious!

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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