13 December, 2018

Foster gathering !

At the foster family get together, it was good to meet student friends who are in the midst of examinations. Five of them would their course in February. We welcomed two new friends to the group yesterday. Imli, Feby and Seena from the developmental paediatrics were guests at the occasion 

Anu and Anna jointly celebrated their birthdays. The chocolate rich cake the friends of Anu arranged had even a photograph on its surface.

The games, conversations, and carols made the evening refreshing. This is the fourth year since we began this foster family meetings. It was good to receive greetings from Thomas, Anjali, Rhea and Caren, who were part of the first group.

For Anna and I, it is the seventh year in MOSC. For Anna it was a profoundly meaningful experience to have had this association with students. It was different for me as students did not come for any clinical posting to the department. But one batch of students presented me a complimentary card at the end of a few lectures I took for them, with their personal greetings. I got it framed because I was touched by their kindness!

It is the students who 'create'a teacher!

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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