16 March, 2018

Same flower, but different colours for seeds!

There are exceptions in nature. As I walk in our garden, I discover more of these exceptions. some seeds of the same flower have different colours !

I used this picture to engage a family who have been preoccupied with the thought of 'sameness' for their three children.  They narrated the differences between them that it occurred to me as their uniqueness. 

I was associated with an organisation not so long ago, where the differences between the leaders because of their style of functioning caused disruption in purpose, responsibility and direction for the organisation! I was not able to reconcile the situation because the opinions were strong. 

The sight of these differently coloured seeds received me to a certain extent the heaviness I still carry with me on account of what happened in that organisation!  

The truth of our differences need to dawn on us, when we work others! It is good to bring the differences into the open and turn them into subjects of dialogue to find the strength in the differences  for the good of the organisation. I feel, that the exceptions call for a broad a margin of consideration for inclusiveness of all ideas, thoughts, behaviour, etc. if they are within the broad premise of he mission of the organisation.

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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