16 March, 2018

Another season !

Yesterday we had the first summer rain! That is how the summer often sets in! I might have to wait for another winter season to watch the dew on the flowers and leaves !

The other day I kept searching for a particular brand of shampoo I was using for the last four years! That product is no more available! I got used to it and is already missing it! The new shampoo is good enough and might be even better!

All seasons have a beginning and an end! 

When we apply this to relationships between people, it is almost similar. There are good times and difficult times. The difference is that, instead of expecting the same season of cordiality all the time, welcome the difficult times and turn that into deepening of relationships. When trust dominates differences become different ways of approaching an issue for the larger benefit of each other.  

I saw this in a child of seven years yesterday. He liked a particular ice cream, which was not available in the hospital canteen. His parents offered him another flavour! He resisted tasting it initially. But when he did, he was more than glad fo this choice to taste it!

The 'sameness' is a self imposition we bring upon ourselves! Change, but uphold values and convictions!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)   

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