01 February, 2017

Morning sun in the winter!

I find it fascinating to watch the sun appear in the horizon in the morning and the way it lights up the meadow covered by the night dew! There is added brightness and glistening appearance  to the grass during that twilight period! It is a short lived sight before the sun fully brightens up the meadow and the rice field!

While watching this twilight period yesterday, I became even more conscious to discover as how events and experiences unfold in our lives! Almost everything happens in their rhythm and pace although they escape our attention or consciousness!

There are dark seasons and experiences in our lives.... we wait for the sunshine of hope to lift our spirit!

A husband who came resigning his job to support his wife who was going through a difficult time at work told me yesterday that he is going through a sense of hopelessness, because he could not change the situation at home! His pain was evident in his face!

All of us to wait for respite, can live in this hope that the twilight and bright sunshine are still in the horizon!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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