25 January, 2017

A walk at dusk!

An avid bird watcher told me yesterday that most birds return to their territory by evening after being out in the wild the whole day. This prompted me to take a walk beside the paddy field! I did find some migratory birds!

A home is a special place for all of us. It is no exception for birds. 

There is a journey in returning. After having been in different activities and engagements, there is a rhythm of 'returning' to ourselves! We live our lives from within and return to that centre when we are ready to draw the day to close.

In this interior space, there is a twin reality! It is the reality of ourselves, out true self as much as we are aware of it. The other Reality is God, who makes His abode within us. When we return from all the external events of the day to the interior space, we find our communion with God of our lives,  who have been waiting in silence for our return!

It is the stillness of this bird that moved me to mediate on this theme! After a season of flying and finding food, this bird was relatively still and motionless! 

Th journey inward is through the door of silence for communion with God!

M.C.Mathew (text and photo) 

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