14 January, 2017

A tower of cups!

When I watched a tower  which is made by inverted paper cups, I noticed the suspense in the faces of those who were watching!

The challenge was to make the tallest tower and win the competition! I observed that, not all of them were driven by that passion. In fact the steadiness of hand and concentration was better, when they attempted it with ease and for the fun of it!

The outcome of whatever we might do is influenced by how or why we do them!

A child of five years while playing with blocks would quit making a tower as soon as one of the blocks fell down. His mother helped him to make a tower of twenty blocks once. It was since then he realised that when he attempted patiently he achieved more!

We get tired while working because we keep th outcome as the measure of our ability. What if we kept the pleasure of working as our motive!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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