02 October, 2018

Just before its flight!

I was trying to capture the posture of a dragon fly just before it took off to flying! This is the best I could get after several days of efforts!

It repositions its wings before it lets go of its grip on the resting surface. The video I took is not helpful as it happens in a fraction of a second. 

The readiness to fly is an instinct, it seems! It does in a similar way all the time, it looks like! This is a conditioned and learned behaviour!

Yesterday, a family was asking me a series of questions about the different needs of a young child, who has multiple needs including a dysmorphic syndrome. As I listened to those questions, I realised how keen the father was to have a comprehensive news about the prospect's of child's development. 

It is during that prolonged conversation I realised that, there are some certainties and some uncertainties about what would happen to a child, when that child is developmentally challenged!

The uncertainties cannot be explored beyond a level! It is most unlike the dragon fly, when it can be instinctual and repeat itself in its behaviour to fly away!

It is difficult for parents to sense their way and take steps in keeping up with the needs of children! This to me is where professionals need to be patient in helping parents to be steadfast!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo) 

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