04 February, 2023

The First day of another year in our marriage!

The wedding anniversaries are special occasions. 

Theo Herren, a friend from Switzerland whom we have known for forty years was visiting us for a few days. His presence with us on the wedding anniversary added to the richness of the day. 

A friend had sent carnations on the eve of our wedding anniversary. That symbolised teh message of love in marriage. 

Anna had arranged for carrot and date cake for us for breakfast. 

Another significant event Anna planned was to plant a sapling of a jackfruit tree which would hopefully produce pink jackfruits in few years. Our domestic helper prepared the ground for planting the sapling!

To have Theo plant the sapling for us, in the front garden was a blessing. Theo watered it for us as a symbol of thoughtfulness towards us! We are given and shall be given according to our needs!

Following this, we set out to go to the Cherai beach, about fifty kilometres from our home. 

Th sight of a Bougainvillea, in full blossom in a garden in front of a house caught my attention! The blossoms covered the foliage! It was a delightful sight and a call to live in the fullness of life with an attitude of mindfulness towards others!

When we reached the beach what caught our attention was a boat with fishing net from which the fishermen were gathering the fish. Next to that, a man was walking with a bagful of fish bought from the fishermen. I thought it was a labour for livelihood for the fishermen, but a provision for others to benefit from! The fishermen work for their livelihood and to make provisions for others. That pointed to the noble mission life. Our labour is not for ourselves alone! That is why it becomes a labour of love !

The next photo, of two sisters venturing into the water was another message of hope! They had each other to feel secure. A married life is that journey of finding in each other the strength and purpose to make the voyage into the fullness of life!

At a distance we spotted a boat with two people fishing. The dusk was about to set in. But they were still at sea! We are to live  our lives occupied with what is given to us,  to do as long as we are able to. 

That is when I spotted the bright rays from the setting sun,  appearing through the clouds and casting its reflection on the surface of the water at the distant edge of water! What a promise for us to hold on to!

Whether it is dawn or dusk, the sunshine of God is upon us!

It was good to receive greetings from our families and feel refreshed by they their warmth!

A colleague at work, who lost her father two days back remained in our thoughts thorough the day. I was able to spend sometime with the family, when they were at the hospital to receive his body and carry home in preparation for the funeral. 

The occasions of celebrations in our lives are reminders of givenness to live thoughtfully and regardfully !

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)


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