23 February, 2023

During the Morning Walk!

What moved me during my Sunday morning walk in and around our garden are sights and scenes which reminded me of the abundance of signs of life in nature!

There were flowers, a cashew tree flowering to bring forth its fruits in summer, the Bell fruit tree  full of tender fruits, the Gaua and Jackfruits almost ready to plucked,  a goat tied to a post for its grazing time, and two red wattled Lapwing walking towards each other with pauses in between!

The nature remains silent during the day and night but with full of signs of life in abundance! 

It was when I was down loading the photos to the computer, I got consumed by a moving experience!

The two Lapwings were moving towards each other slowly and steadily! It was a friendly gesture! They are either a pair or likely to become a pair! They were becoming nearer to each other!

The nature has its rhythm and patterns!

A garden is a place where this can be noticed! 

It is our domestic worker who reminds us about the need to tend the garden! A garden can be wild or tamed!

The garden bears fruits of our choice because we tend the garden! 

Children are new arrivals in the garden of life in all families. They can grow up unattended or well attended to. As adults how much we care and provide to enable children, would decide the wellness and fruitfulness of their lives!

A mother having observed one of the twins catching up developmentally after a prolonged developmental stagnation, told me during the recent consultation: 'I was wondering if I should take long leave from my office work to be with him as he is showing signs of catching up developmentally. May be my presence would give him more opportunities to interact, before he would grow up to start his school'!

The parenting instinct and awareness often get subsumed in the existential challenges which families face. The financial compulsions take predominant attention of many families. 

I wish children and their needs would take a larger attention in the agenda of families!

The garden yields fruits as much as it is attended to!

Our sons and daughters grow up to be resourceful and fruitful as much as the parents attend to them! 

It starts by planning for the timing of the arrival of a child, spacing between child births, creating a child's corner at home, making children the centre of  our attention in the pre-school years where their formative process is active and dependent on parental involvement and interaction!

The 'third parent', the visual media is a ghost that we propped up in our homes, to which many pre-school children have got used to, that normal interactiveness, social awareness, reciprocal communication style and learning by exploration and physical activities have got excluded from the experience of pre-school children!

I wish parents would reflect on this! Is it not better to sing to a child and narrate a story while feeding a pre-school child, rather than make him or her watch a cartoon! 

The Lapwings were moving closer to each other! That is the normal process!

I wish parents and children would have a natural traction to move closer to each other! A family is the place of nearness for bonding!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)


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