23 July, 2016

A learning experience!

One of the challenges of helping children with weakness of one side is to help them to improve their functions of the  hand and leg. This child whom I have been meeting from her age of three months is now studying in the second standard, who has recovered the weakness to a large extent. Now what is left is to improve her functions of the wrist and fingers. 

This involves working with technicians who craft the splints. I was pleased with a new design the technician was able to create, which is user friendly and attains the fund icons better than the previous one which had become smaller over the last there months. 

Often children struggle with accepting these devices because it draws attention of others. One of the challenges left is to get skin coloured spent materials and straps so that it become less noticeable. I have been in touch th technicians to use lighter materials and more aesthetic materials. I think we are almost arriving there, although such materials are more costly!

Looking back over the last three years at work in a new place, I would think that this explorative journey has been rather fulfilling as it satisfies the spittoons of parents and their users!

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