20 December, 2015

water drops!

As I watched these water drops hanging from the fern leaves during my morning walk, I realised that each drop was different from the other in its appearance!

Once it falls to the ground it joins to become  the pool of water. However it is good to focus on the individual drop for its distinctiveness before it become parts of a water pool.

Each of us is both an individual and part of a  family or a group or an institution! 

What we bring as an individual to the group is distinct and special! I wish each of us can pay attention to make a difference by bringing something refreshing and creative to the groups we belong to!

A student helped me to understand this last week. He said,' I cannot do much, but what am able to do, let mr do it well!'

Such a spirit of commitment to bring a special touch through his presence and doing  encouraged me immensely!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo) 

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