23 December, 2015

Ripples effect!

We would soon be drawing close to the end of another year!

All of us carry the ripple effects of different events and experiences which came upon us, sometimes when we were not ready to face them! We are good at concealing or hiding or suppressing the impact of the after effects of good or not so good experiences. Sometimes we have not even processed them because of which memories of them return to us as ripple effect bringing back many emotions!

The year  end is a good time to reflect and resolve what is still causing ripples within!

An inner stillness is often short lived as events would cause movements and stirrings in unexpected ways!

This calls for regular emotional and memory audit to contain the ripples effect and feel inwardly ready for moving on into the inner comfort level!

What proceeds from our inmost being is what determines our attitude, thoughts and conversations! The inmost being is ideally sanctum sanctorum of our soul, where good things abide because God is resident within us!

Jesus of Nazareth was known to spend time in solitude because that was 'life giving' for him to live relationally!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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