23 December, 2015

Honey bee tree!

One sight that holds up the traffic in Elagiri town is this tree which is a home for honey bees! For several years this tree is a home for honey bees for some unknown reason! One regular tourist to Elagiri  suggested that many trees were cut along the roads for widening the roads. This tall widely stretched out tree therefore became the only option for the honey bees for their existence!

Not that I have suddenly become environment conscious, but sights like this tells us a lot about the harm we do while we are aggressive for 'development'. There is physical infrastructure development which is taking place in an accelerated pace in urban and semi-urban areas in India for the last twenty years. 

Some environmentalists who studied the recent flooding in Chennai suggested that about 240 waterbodies were reclaimed during the last thirty years in Chennai for constructing industrial houses or residential colonies.  

I wish the development plan is based on social indices and parameters primarily taking into consideration the impact on the environment and habitual residents of each area so that development becomes human friendly rather than only industry friendly!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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