21 December, 2015

The beginning of CMC Vellore!

It was an awesome experience to be in the room where Dr. Ida Scudder started her consultation 115 years ago, which was the beginning of the long journey for CMC to have become what it is today!

The front room of the building of the Christian Counselling Centre, where Aunt Scudder began her mission of 'not to be ministered unto but to minister'  has now several wall mounted panels to illustrate and describe how the one bed hospital functioned then!

Its modest interior and friendly ambience reveal a lot about the way aunt Ida thought and planned her work. One virtue attributed to her is that she was fully convinced of her call and she was  specialist in overcoming challenges and taking full advantage of every opportunity.

It was from here she launched the wayside clinics, which impacted the community around Vellore of her motivation and long term commitment to address the heat care needs of women!

This room representing years of memory of noble service is a testimony of how God blesses when we put our hand into the plough!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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