26 June, 2024

visitors on a rainy day !

The monsoon rain has become intense in the last three days. I did not expect any bird movements in the garden. I was surprised by the flight movements of these six birds during the drizzle. 

Excepting the Arora, none of them engaged in  bird calls. Even the Arora had subdued bird calls. Its pair was with it hiding in the foliage (second photo in out of focus). That gave it a reason to be singing. 

The Magpie robins looked soaked in the rain, whereas, the other three birds, Arora, Tailor bird, and Sunbird  had a relatively dry appearance with the plumage in good shine. 

I wondered how the smaller birds manage with heavy downpour and strong winds !

The more they are vulnerable to the unfavourable weather, the more the birds pay attention to their body with more diligent grooming and oiling. They can fly normally only when the feathers are dry. 

Living, instead of becoming an effort, becomes an art on such occasions for these avians. 

I found the rain bringing wetness into our cottage and the outhouses. The 80 years old constructions were built without the usual technological weather protective measures! It is the book room and the study which take the brunt of humidity and wetness.    

I noticed that wet season calls for vigilance. 

The visits of the birds in the garden brought some cheer, as they moved about with ease and pleasure.  

I remember a senior citizen telling me a few weeks back, that he gets up each morning wondering what uncertainty is at the door step! He seems to have had number of unforeseen hiccups in the house, which needed mending or replacement!  His anxiety level was explicit in his conversation. 

Seeing the Arora with its pair, engaged in bird calls brought another optic to carry within me for the day! Be present to the situation, neither return to be preoccupied about the past or be anxious about tomorrow!

The avians bring timely message!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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