18 June, 2024

The life below and above!


During the morning walk in our garden, the flowers below and birds above on the trees caught my attention. They live their lives in their own way, each different from the other. 

The pair of lesser whistling Duck seen in the last photograph, was new visitors in this season. They normally seek for tall trees for night shelter. 

The flowers blossom and fade away. The birds move about between trees. This is their pattern. 

They bring an aesthetic touch to nature. The variety of sights and scenes in a garden make it visually appealing. The colours by themselves provide a spectacular sight. The quiet presence of the flowers and birds turn the greenery into a garden of life. 

A garden is a sanctuary of life!

The rose bush became a home for a spider! The trees provide shelter and flight stations for birds. The soil below nourishes all of them. The rain and sunshine feed them.

These thoughts led me to consider how the eco system functions interdependently. 

I noticed that hundreds of tiny flowers wee cut yesterday, when the overgrown grass in our garden was cut. There were several small butterflies fluttering in the grass, feeding from the nectar of the flowers. In the evening, there was no butterfly anywhere. With grass and flowers cut, the butterflies would have moved to other meadows!

This is the harsh reality of life. We invade and displace life! This is human nature! We live seeking comfort for ourselves. 

When the bird movements and bird calls increased in the garden at twilight, the lesser whistling ducks flew away. 

It is then it occurred to me that life of birds are conditioned by many factors around them. 

We trimmed a few trees in our garden three months ago. Since then the bird movements decreased in our garden. Now that the trees have  new shoots, the birds are returning to their earlier flight stations. 

How much of mindfulness I offer towards others who seek to live by finding favours and support from others! A lady who is an agent in the post office came to canvas for deposits. She lives on the commission she gets by mobilising depositors. Her livelihood is connected to the generosity of others. 

This crated yet another level of consciousness about responsible living.  Living mindfully carrying the needs of others upon our hearts!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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