04 June, 2024

The confluence of diversity!

The above photos from our garden, after a a heavy downpour of rain, describe the different stages of flowers in the Lily plants. The variety of different stages of flowering caught my attention. Each has its own charm and appearance. With the water drops on the petals, the flowers had a decorated look in the subdued sunshine. 

The result of the national elections to decide which party would govern India for the next five years would be announced today. 

I look back over the last two months, since the election process started. It was a season of festival time for exercising democratic rights for each political party. Some parties followed the moral code of conduct expected to be followed and some did not fully subscribe to it.  The election commission which is the watch dog, made only feeble efforts to restrain the political parties from going wild. 

A garden expresses diversity. The Lilies demonstrate that diversity. It is diversity that caught my attention. 

The election in Mexico is just over with a lady prime minister elected to govern. The United States of America and the United Kingdom are in preparation for their national elections. There is a diversity in these election processes. 

I wish the diversities would stay and nations of the world would share the differences, which add to our uniqueness!  What disturbs me when I think of Russia invading Ukraine, Israel on a mission to displace  the Palestinians, China extending its territory by quietly occupying Indian border or Taiwan at the brink of conflict with China, is the the spirit of authoritarian culture in politics!

I wish the leaders of nations would not regress to the Hitler's view of hatred and aggression!  

I wish the United Nations Organisation remains as a movement of celebrating the diversities of nations!

What is garden without its diversity! What is humanity without its diversity of culture, history, social norms and anthropology, forming a confluence!

The Lilies in our garden announce that diversity is the way of being !
M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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