17 June, 2024

The song from within!


I watched a Bulbul flying into the foliage of a tall tree from the banana leaf where it was perched. The banana leaf was swaying in the wind and the Bulbul got displaced and landed on the foliage, which too was swaying in the wind. It took a while to steady itself in the wind.

What surprised me was the bird calls of the Bulbul,  loud and long while being moved in the wind! 

A bird is a survivor in wind and storm. Its habit is to be at home in the wind. The turbulence is a normal experience for most birds. 

I watched this on a morning, when I was going through an inner turbulence following a message that caught me unaware. 

The next two days following this, I kept coming back to the Bulbul's photos above. The Bulbul could not resist the wind, but it allowed itself to be swayed. Even its feet got displaced a few times, but it repositioned itself. Its anchor was in its strength to stay even when moved or disturbed!

I remembered a sight of a toddler moving down a slide and loosing his balance just before landing on the sand at the edge of the slide. The sand covered him. His parents had to comfort him and tidy his body and clothes. They persuaded him to move away to play in the rocking horse. He went back to the slide. He would have spent the next fifteen minutes in the slide, each time sliding down more confidently. For him the  fall and  hurt prepared him to return to the slide confidently and cheerfully. 

A Bulbul steadying itself in the wind! A toddler returning to the slide after a fall!

These are normal life events!

A mother once told me about her daughter not getting any price in the drawing competitions in spite of her efforts. The child was even more steadfast. By the time she came to the seventh standard, she was well above others in her ability to sketch, draw and paint! From then onwards, she distinguished herself in her skills. 

It is normal to experience set backs in the movement forward. Life is not a linear journey. It is an experience of turns, twists and detours. 

I found the bird calls of the Bulbul heart warming, because it was singing amidst the wind, while being swayed!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)


1 comment:

  1. Life can never be a linear journey.. Surprises and shocks spring forth on and off.. But the soothing balm the nature created by God provides peace for the day . Thank you for this reminder!
