28 June, 2024

A monsoon morning !

I found a small window of dry spell yesterday morning to move around inner garden, seeing the sights and movements of butterflies and birds. 

Daphne having noticed me from her yard kept calling me with a tone that was indicative of her desire to be with me. She is recovering from her surgery earlier this month and is returning to be herself. 

She stood in one of her favourite places and seemed to watch the movements of birds and attend to their chirps. 

I felt the existential stress of the birds on a monsoon morning. They moved between trees with loud bird calls unlike the usual purposeful movement to find food! 

A barbet alone seemed to look for its food. Other birds were having an outing before the next shower. It was gathering clouds and the rainfall was imminent. 

The two observations of the morning that stayed with me was the avian stress in an inclement weather. The second was a canine instinct to be part of the activity around. 

The birds feel threatened sometimes; a canine can express its need in a way humans can understand. There is a communicative process that they both use to express themselves. 

This cosmic language of communication is what humans seem to miss. There was a landslide in a hilly terrain recently near to us following excavation of soil for construction work. The members of the civil rights movement cautioned against the soil excavation as the hill would soon get vulnerable with no support at its base. That is what happened a few days back with road access blocked with the landslide and houses below facing threat of flooding. 

The language of communication is all around us. I wonder whether we hear or feel or respond to the silent communicative efforts of nature around us!

To be human is to be relational !

The birds and Daphne reminded me of this call !

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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