30 June, 2024

The given days !

I received the first four photos of flowers this morning, from a friend on the occasion of completing my first year in retirement, from my regular professional work in the hospital. Those flowers brought cheer reminding me of the richness and colourfulness that I experienced during the year that is just over. 

On reflection, these flowers brought to me memories of the surprises and provisions of the year with good health, wellness, and involvement with people, which added a new flavour of purpose during the first year in retirement. 

The four bird photos from our garden on a cloudy day brought another awareness about the way of living. Each of those birds communicated a restful composure. The Barbet perched in a distant tree with a mouthful of food,  brought back memories of fullness of provisions that Anna and I received during the one year. The two Bulbuls perched at the edge of a tree, symbolised to me of the comfort and gladness that Anna and I experienced during the transition year. 

After watching these birds I looked up to the sky, which was gathering clouds. There was an island of sunshine in the middle of the clouds. What a hope giving and captivating sight! The sunshine amidst clouds!

I turned back to return to our cottage when it started to drizzle. The twas when  I noticed a butterfly resting on a flower. It was not seeking nectar. It found the flower as its bed to rest. Its stillness and the quiet presence made me stay and watch it in amazement, feeling within me an invitation to desire a restful orientation within, in the days ahead!

The flowers, birds, sky and butterfly brought an unusual confluence of greetings and messages within. 

A few days back, I picked up a book from the book room at home, The Gift Years, growing older gently, by Joan Chittister, on the theme of 'A prophetic voice that is desperately needed in our troubled times'. In the introduction to the book, I noticed a text about the book: 'It is a wonderful celebration of the blessings of growing older, clear-eyed and unsentimental about the reality of the ageing process but showing us that our later years are gift, not burden. It is a time for us, to let go of both our fantasies of eternal youth and our fears about getting older'. 

Gisesla, who sent me the flowers is also a senior citizen. Her eyes to see beauty and abundance of life in those flowers reminded me of the optic through which she views her life! She lives sharing the joy of life and sharing the blessing of peace to others. 

I read yesterday in the book that I referred to above this: ' The old, on the other hand, have long ago exhausted both the wanting and the going and striving. They are immersed in being. Being alive, being healthy, being present to the moment, being who they are, being happy, being young again in delight and in vision' (p119). 

This passage brought to my memory the words of Jesus of Nazareth: 'Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, neither they do they reap, nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?' (Matt.6:26) 

Life is a daily celebration of the gift of love from the 'father of all mercies'!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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