16 June, 2024

Moving towards the centre of our being!

I  watched the Bulbul in the photos above looking intently and searchingly! That is the avian way. A bird plans for its next flight path while perched in one flight station. 

I was standing beside this bunch of plumeria flowers while tracking the flight movements of birds. What held my attention was the yellow tinge in the centre of each flower. 

There is a dimension within each of us which is beyond what we manifest outside. Sometimes even our behaviour, conversation or relationships would not be a full representation of that inmost being we are. 

Down below, in a pot, the rain lily flowers were also open. I noticed a different colour and pattern at the centre of those flowers. In fact, it appeared as if the flower petals were hiding the centre, where the bee or butterfly would find its nectar. 

This thought of who I am, in my inmost being became a subject for my pondering for rest of the time I was in the garden.

I realised that I express my thoughts while speaking and writing. I communicate my attitude in my behaviour. I share my conviction in the way I choose and make decisions. I live my private life based on my beliefs and habits. 

And yet, is not a person beyond all these! 

That is what I observe in the behaviour of a mother towards her infant. When a mother holds her baby in her arms, she creates a space in her in most being a space for her baby. That space is a sacred place in a mother's being. A mother in the early months of her infant lives around the needs and movements of her baby. This intimate connection with the her infant is what lays the foundation for attachment behaviour in an infant, an essential anchor for rest of the childhood for the child to grow up as a person feeling wanted with a sense of belonging. 

What is inmost in our lives is this generous spirit of caring and self giving. The inward journey of consciousness is to recognise this gift that we are endowed with- to love and care.

Is that what others discover in me!

I pondered over this. The week that has gone by was a disturbing week when I felt depleted of resilience to accept difficulties!

The flowers are open! They offer fragrance and nectar. That is what they are for!

What is at the centre of my being?  Openness and giving!  I shall dwell on this theme to continue this journey inward!

I returned from the garden feeling enriched by an awareness that birds and flowers can minister to bring a new consciousness!

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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