14 June, 2024

Open to give and receive.


The butter cup flowers are open at sunrise and close by the mid day. During that time the bees, ants, and butterflies visit the flowers. Their openness to welcome any insect to draw from its nectar held my attention. 

During the day, I encountered a difficult experience of someone raising an issue critically, related to what I did in a situation six years ago. I froze for a while. The stand I had to take on certain matters strained relationships and disrupted friendship. 

Seeing the buttercups open to receive any visitor and share its nectar freely, helped me to receive the comments with more openness that I was able to do earlier. I wrote letters to those with whom I was involved in that difficult situation, during the course of the last six years, in an effort to feel connected. It helped with some.

I felt helped by a reference to the past, to grow in more openness to revisit matters if needed and to feel connected with those who are hurting on account me.  

The openness of the buttercup flowers is unconditional. This habit of the buttercups came to me as an invitation, to be open to receive complements and criticism alike. 

The last two photo of a bee returning from the flower opened me to another dimension in my attitude towards relationships. Do people who attempt to relate to me go back feeling encouraged, refreshed and supported !

Who am I to others matters, as life is given to me to be open for self- giving. I realise I have another journey to make in this direction. 

The buttercups and the bee remain as a metaphor to process my relationship. I hear and feel the invitation to be open, confessional  and graceful !

It is the sunshine that helps the buttercups to be open. On the cloudy and rainy days the buttercup flowers open only partially. The flowers receive in order to give. 

That takes me to another plane of being! To be seeking to receive to grow in openness! Jesus of Nazareth used there words to remind His followers, to 'ask, seek and knock' to receive! Yes, it is another inner journey ahead of me!

M.C.Mathew(text and open )

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