19 June, 2024

The evening experience!

I was with Daphne in the evening, following her in her scent driven walk. She suddenly stopped and changed her direction to move towards a tree, where the pepper creeper was covered by a flock of Bulbuls. I had noticed some Bulbul birds in the pepper plant in the morning to pick the ripe berry. Daphne in her excitement of noticing them barked and some of then flew away. A few stayed on. I hurried back with the camera to watch them in their act of picking the berries. 

It was not easy for the Bulbuls to balance on the leaves of the plant to be able to pluck the berry. What fascinated me was the Bulbul's slow and steady movement to stretch its neck, to avoid being displaced by the moving leaf on which it was perched. Its strategy to find its feed was worth watching. 

The sun had set and it was getting close to dusk. The Bulbuls were scattered on other trees. I suspect that the flock had about 20 birds. The bird calls were loud enough to be heard and all their flight movements followed a few bird calls.  It was a routine flight exercise of closing the day. Only a few of them looked out for their feed. 

With the monsoon rains interrupting the bird movements, it is usual to find birds in between the rain, appear in the garden and go through the routine of flight movements. It is their instinct to fly. A dog's instinct is to bark. A cat moves about quietly to escape being noticed. 

They develop their habits. 

A person who came to visit did not come into the compound as he knew we had dogs at home. Although the dogs were not wandering about, but secure in their positions, he refused to come in. His fear of dogs is from child hood, since he was chased by a dog on the way to school at five years of age. At sixty five years, his fear stayed on.  

This gave me an opportunity to review my habits. Do I carry on with habits, which had an origin at a particular time and were not revised! A long conversation with a friend in the day brought to my attention that some longed for staying in touch with me. 

Each of us changes as we age. What occurred to me, while pondering over this is: Do I grow up inwardly, while ageing restrains some earlier practices! 

The generosity in thought, kindness in attitude, soberness in  behaviour, patience when stressed, mindfulness towards others, openness to listen and willingness to revise thoughts ares some signs of growing up inwardly. 

Watching the Bulbuls, being with Daphne, and seeing the sunset with dusk setting in, brought a summary of thoughts that passed through my mind during the day. 

It was a good way of closing the day! Listening to what was going on within!

The voice of reason from within when other thoughts settle down! The evening of the day ushers a quietness in nature, which calls for inner quietness to discern the voice that whispers truth about life,  living and learning!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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