04 September, 2023

Still Presence!

I have come across birds in stillness for several minutes being engaged in a communicative mood ! They might be birds who have formed a pair or engaged in courtship. 

This form of silent communication between a husband and wife while absorbed in each other is a heart level engagement, where words and other bodily expressions cease to be needed. The sense of togetherness is experienced when both reciprocate silence and behold each other with an inner warmth!

We live in a verbose world where words are plenty, but still do not reach the heart level in many instances. 

The solemnity of silence is a counter to the words which lost meaning and language that is no more communicative of warmth and intimacy!

It is only when we create silence within, we redeem feelings, warmth, and reverence for each other! This experience is of utmost significance between husband and wife. 

I know of parents who convey a similar level of affection to their children by receiving them through their look, when love is communicated and received. 

There are several instances when the phone takes precedence over the person who is seated with us. 

There are times when the family meal time gets interrupted by a telephone call, which can actually wait!

There is music playing in the background when no one is listening. The music looses its engaging appeal when it is only a tune to accompany us while doing other activities!

The good practices of husband and wife spending time reading a book, playing a game, having a silent walk, or doing a cooking activity or gardening together, etc are often set aside as other activities take our full attention. 

Th intimacy in marriage creates space for children to grow up in an ambience where love is manifest and shared. 

The stillness and silence are not synonymous. The stillness refers to making body free from voluntary activities to stay converged towards absence of  movements. The season of silence is an interior experience when we direct our mind towards what we intend to do without the mental trafficking of thoughts that we are normally used to. 

The stillness and silence together make us ready to meditate and to behold and feel beholden!

The God consciousness that sets in, in our interior space becomes a sacred experience of being present to God who is present with us!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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