11 September, 2023

Monsoon Flowers !


I feel amazed how these fragile flowers withstand incessant heavy rain! Their colours and fragrance do not get reduced!

Somehow although smaller and weaker in strength, the flowers show forth their enduring ability and still give nectar to the bees. 

It is a message for me. The difficulties are no reason for stepping back from being fully functional and enterprising!

Amidst any situation, each person can live and serve fully, knowing that we are endowed with an overcoming spirit and wisdom!

I came across a farmer who brought his farm produce to the shop to sell. The shop owner said, 'you bring fresh vegetables even during a rainy season' to which the farmer said, 'The vegetables needed no protection. They withstand the weather'. 

I felt it was a message I needed!

Yes, that is the truth!

Jesus of Nazareth healed man with withered hand in the temple on a Sabbath, about which the Pharisees questioned him. 'The Pharisees went out and counselled together against Him as to how they might destroy Him(Matthew 12:8-15). Jesus aware of this withdrew from that place and many followed Him and healed all those who came to Him. 

This is the paradox that we live with. Doing good on Sabbath was questioned. The Pharisees intended to harm Jesus on account of this. 

To take the sides of a person who needed enablement, renewal or hope can be a risk sometimes. In fact Jesus had to withdraw and requested His followers 'not to make Him known'.

The confession of the farmer about the plants withstanding the weather  to me was a message of the universal grace of God at work in all situations to strengthen the weak. There are people who do not want to see the week restored to fullness. Those engaged in supporting the weak and broken people are made to feel threatened. They have to live quietly and continue their mission outside the glare of those people around. 

There are times when one can find fullness of life outside the synagogue. There are people outside the synagogue who are waiting for experiencing God's visitation in their lives. 

I have had to face this question in the recent years! Whose side will I take! The side of those who would want to conform to certain norms and practices which bring benefit to some or  be on a journey to find those who are left behind! While on that journey, it is likely that one has to  leave the confines of comfort and acceptance and move out to live mindfully of those who are left behind. 

The monsoon flowers withstanding the rain and living their 'calling' to give colour and nectar is an invitation for me to engage in taking sides of those who are exposed to the challenges and travails of life!

Bring fullness of life to those who struggle!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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