11 February, 2021

A departure plan!


I have presented here the body movements of a Pond Heron in our garden  before its flight departure. During the time I watched the Heron, I saw its body movements in different directions to overview the terrain beyond. 

I noticed it releasing its tight grip of its paws from the branch and turn in one direction. It was then I suspected, that it was a prelude to its next flight. That was what happened. It bowed its body and leaped forward and disappeared through the foliage.

As I reflected on these pictures, an embarrassing situation came to my mind. About a month back, while discussing with the Medical Superintendent of the hospital where I work, the plan to revive the on-site consultations for children, which was suspended for six months, he suggested relocating the out-patient service of the department in the main OP area to reduce the risk of exposure to all the staff in the department who were yet to be vaccinated against COVID at that time. I instantly agreed and a room was allocated for that purpose. 

In a meeting a few days ago, the professionals in the department pointed out practical difficulties in having the OP service in a different place than in the department. I found wisdom in their thoughts. Following another round of discussions yesterday, the one who was co-ordinating the preparation to relocate the OP service in the new area, approached the Public Relations Officer to inform her of suspending the relocation. By then some changes we requested for the room, were already made. In my conversation with the PRO later in the day, I offered my apology for changing the decision. She was more than gracious to offer to reinstall the facilities in the room and restore the room for regular adult consultations for others to use. 

Look at the Pond Heron. It planned well its next move. I reviewed how I decided to shift the OP service to the general OP service area. I consented to a proposal before allowing the proposal to be viewed from all sides by the professionals in the department. I feel awful for this slip. 

Every move or change would generate many confounders, which can disrupt the process of change envisaged or reduce its intended benefit. 

A bird can change its flight path easily, but often it sticks to the path already chosen. They are voyagers with an inbuilt GPS system. That inbuilt system assures its safety and direction to pursue.

I pondered over it yesterday. The immediate benefits often mask the long term challenges while making a decision. Those who develop farsighted perspectives are better voyagers. I found yet another learning curve ahead of me!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo) 

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