20 November, 2017

Morning dew !

Let me break the silence of the last two months of absence from posting  my reflections on the blog!

As I watched the dew drops on this tender leaves of the rose plant in our garden in the courtyard, I woke upto a new reality that these tiny drops of dew often remain noticed unless one takes time to look at them closely and deliberately!

During the last two months, there were some major life events which consumed my physical and emotional attention. I felt that I had lost my way at one time. I did physically loose my way at Salem Junction, one early morning and drove off on a side road for about 25 kilometres and found way back to the high way by travelling on a unpaved marshy side road. The car got stuck in the slush at one time. Finally when I reached the high way, I paused and rested to rejoice that I found my way back to my journey destination. 

So when I saw these dew drops today morning that I am on way back to life, living and learning after meandering for a while, partly in wasteland and partly in desert.

There are awakenings that come to us in unusual ways.... unusual experiences which appear difficult on the surface are profound events with meaning beneath the surface. 

I would look forward to seeing a bud in this tender shoot in the next few days ! That is its natural history when the rose plant sends our tender shoots after a long pause !

Th times of unusual happenings are times to pause and wait for new shoots of hope to spring within!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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