27 November, 2017

Celebration times!

These were different occasions in the department where I work and in Anna's department. Each of them was a happy occasion.

Anna has had to do a lot with students helping them in their research projects and supporting them to make presentations in conferences. We are amazed at the way the students responded to each opportunity by their sense of purpose and choices.

The last picture of of a foster get-together is a memorable occasion. This was a farewell occasion for five interns who were to move on to find a place for their post-graduate admission. They (seated) provided much cheer and encouragement to us in different ways.

One of the special experiences of our five years at this college where we work is the net work of relationships that blossomed in a natural way!

To be present to others in the way they are comfortable with is a leaning journey!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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