03 May, 2015

Daffney on her detective mission!

Every morning we take Daffney for her walk, the first activity is go after all the new odour and scent in the garden.

Yesterday, she refused to move away form this site for a longer time and I wondered why! She stayed smelling the wall and refused to go any further and I had no clue for this persistence.

I had to drag her away and after our walk, she returned to the site smelling the wall again. She then kept tracing the smell to a pile of wood a little distance away. It is then, I remembered that the timber merchant who was cutting the wood in our compound had stood leaning on to the wall in the courtyard while taking to me the previous evening. 

That made me proud about Daffney's detective sense, true to her breed as a Beagle! Her instinct is to go after smell!

Each of us has an instinct. Some refer to it as a calling or vacation! It refers to our inner orientation. Yesterday while on along drive through the meandering roads of suburban areas, I had to take a deviation from the main road due to a road block and I lost my way. It was already late evening and dark. I stopped to ask someone the direction. He was on his motor bike. He said, 'the main road is is one kilometer away and as there are a few turnings; you are likely to loose the way. Follow me and I will leave you at the main road'. That is what he did. Even before I could stop to thank him and give him a chocolate bar which I had in the car, he sped away.

I am glad that I met a 'good samaritan', whose instinct was to go a 'second mile'.

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)


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