01 May, 2015

All seasons!

This bunch of flowers in our garden has buds, blooming flowers, and fading flowers all bathed by sunlight and rain drops.

As I listened to our neighbour of her husband's recurrent illness needing hospitalisation, I was speechless because it is a story of distress. It was after that conversation, I watched this sight of the flowers in our garden!

There is a rhythm to life with some integral seasons and experiences. One is a season of difficulties. There is nothing apparently good about a difficult experience.  It is when we are through the journey of pain, we reach the very depth of our being and discover a resource of wellness which remained concealed till then.

A teenage boy who was rescued after five days of the earth quake in Nepal, was asked, how he resolved to keep himself alive, when he knew that he could not extricate his body on his own from under the debris. He said in an affirming voice, 'I wanted to live for my family'!

Some of these discoveries are a message to us that all seasons converge to make human being grow into th fullness of stature!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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