25 May, 2024

Amidst the wind and rain!

The teak tree in our garden, has multiple branches with their flowers, swaying in the wind, giving a dancing appearance!  It was a cloudy afternoon yesterday, while I sat watching this sight. 

The bunch of flowers in the tallest branch, the two photos above, kept changing the shape and size of the blossoms, depending on the direction of the wind. 

As I sat watching this delightful dancing movements of a branch, the wind became stronger, along with heavy down pour. The visibility of the branch and its flowering twigs decreased in the rain. 

What followed was another sight of surprise. A cattle Egret came flying into the bunch of flowers, trying to steady itself, when the wind swayed the bunch of flowering twigs. 

During the next ten minutes, what I noticed was something unusual. The cattle Egret seemed to steady itself effortfully, while the strong wind was swaying the flowering twigs. It could not succeed in steadying itself and flew away from my sight. 

Following this, a racket-tailed Drongo, arrived to perch on a stem and seemed to stay comfortably while the wind was still strong.The rain was less heavy by then and the visibility had improved.  But the Drongo did not last to hold on, beyond a few minutes. It too flew away!

As I watched a cattle Egret and a racket-tailed Drongo effortfully steadying themselves, to be perched while it was windy, my thoughts went to times in my life, when Anna and I felt swayed by some adverse circumstances.  

One such experience came to my mind when Anna and I felt pressured about thirty five years ago, to change our direction from being involved with developmentally challenged children. Some well meaning friends, who were associated with us, not having found the initiative for child development showing sufficient momentum or visibility, dissuaded us from continuing. We felt disturbed and swayed. 

The invitation to associate with the Institute of Neurology at Chennai for post doctoral research came at that time and opened the door of opportunities beyond all expectations. It was after this, ASHIRVAD received the invitation from the Christian Medical College, Vellore to sign a Memorandum of Understanding to start the Developmental Paediatrics Unit, and introduce the speciality of Developmental Paediatrics in India. 

Now looking back to those years of doubt, faltering support from friends, and pressure to change course, the message that I draw from that experience, is the gift of staying power that Anna and I received during that time. We want to recall the support of Dr William Cutting of Edinburgh and Dr V.I.Mathen of CMC Vellore,  who walked with us while on a slippery path. 

While watching the cattle Egret and a racket-tailed Drongo, getting swayed in the wind and having to fly away to safety, the above experience of how we felt steadied when our strength to hold on was failing, warmed my heart and filled me with gratefulness. 

It was this experience in our lives, which was a turning point, which made us aware of similar vulnerable situations that people go through life. We feel near to a few who stay in touch with us. To affirm their ability to endure and be steadfast to continue in their vocation is an opportunity that Anna and I currently feel called to!

A boat sways in wind and storm. Jesus of Nazareth, while being alone in the mountain, felt how His disciples whom He sent away in the boat, were straining at the oars with the wind and storm, in the fourth watch of the night. Jesus came towards them walking on the water announcing, 'Take courage, it is I do not be afraid' (Mark 6:45-52). The boat got steadied, once Jesus joined them in the boat. 

Life is not a linear journey! It is a journey through experiences that form us and upbuild us to be steadfast. The wind and storm can be enabling experiences, provided there are people around, caring enough to be supportive! 

One person who regularly visited and accompanied us during our turbulent times was late Dr Rachel Chacko. Another person who affirmed us to continue our involvement with developmentally challenged children was late sister Mary Theodore. The highlight of each week during several months of doubt and despair, was meeting both of them. Dr Hans Burke offering Anna and me to join in for the month long retreat that he arranged, gave us a formative environment to process our experiences and move forward taking small steps in hope. They cared to love and give themselves to us!

It was while watching an Egret and Drongo in their struggle to steady themselves in the wind and rain, these memories returned to me!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

1 comment:

  1. So grateful that you stayed on to develop the speciality and moved to CMC and further to Kolenchery. What a blessing it has been and will continue to be. Many will be thankful to you and Anna for having been steadfast with that decision.
