22 May, 2024

The lasting Memories !

The season of cashew nut fruits in our garden is over and the Rambutan fruits are now getting ready to be plucked. 

The Cashew nut fruits are summer fruits and the rambutan fruits begin to be ready to be plucked when the monsoon sets in. 

The cashew nuts fruits remind me of my childhood years, when, I used to pluck them daily during the summer school holidays.

The rambutan fruits remind of me of grandchildren, their parents and their holidays with us. It used to be fun for them because they liked to pluck them, as the fruits were hanging at their height to reach. They relished the fruit immensely. 

Our memories are our treasures!

From the month of March when the Rambutan fruits appear in our garden, the memories of grandchildren flood our minds. The longing for their visit brings delight. Every time I look at the rambutan fruits, the first thought associated with them, is of grandchildren and their visits during the summer school holidays.

The first rambutan trees in our garden are 12 years old. It was Anna who suggested that we plant them. The recent ones planted about three years ago, also bear fruits now. 

It is what we sow we shall reap!

If we want to grow with treasures of memories, we need to be engaged in thoughtful acts! For senior citizens, the memories are their resources to recall their history of years that have gone by!

A message from a friend a few days back, brought memories of what happened about forty years ago, when a small initiative started the health care services in Lamtaput in Orissa by Asha Kiran society! This place is now vibrant with significant activities of health care and education for tribal communities in that belt. I remember visiting that place regularly for some years. That gave an opportunity to be associated with a few families, who were the initiators of that historic beginning. As I recall the visits and experiences, I find them formative in my journey. It provided inspiration to keep those who live deprived as the focus in health care. 

It is by the habit of giving, we generate memories to live with!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

1 comment:

  1. Another great reflection from you sir. Just to share a thought that unfortunately not all senior citizens are fortunate enough to retain their memories to recall their years gone by. Some of their final years are cruelly taken away by Alzheimers. Sad reality.
