18 May, 2024

The resilient way!

I found a spider hiding under the petal of a flower bunch, after the rain ceased. 

Was it protected during the rain! I am not able to guess. It was after few minutes of  the rainfall I went out into the garden. 

This sight became a symbol of hope on a day, when some difficult situations had to be negotiated. 

The spider above is less than on centimetre in size. It stayed safe in the heavy downpour of rain. 

The nature has its way of protecting even the least creatures. 

This thought stayed with me during the evening. 

In the book, Option B, Sheryl Sandberg summarised her recovery journey after loosing her husband following an accident in a gymnasium. The book engages the readers with several practical ways of overcoming adversity and finding strength to pursue life beyond loss. The book reveals how one person with her two children moves beyond a devastating experience, to live with loss and yet with hope and purpose. 

Adam Grant, who co-authored the book, a psychologist by profession was Sheryl's support during those years of rebuilding her life. That support seemed significant and defining, which restored her life to live with a vocation. 

In the book, Resilience , the authors Andrew Zolli and Ann Marie Healy, present a frame work for resilient thinking, to help us to 'a different way of being in the world and to a deeper engagement with it'.  

The spider hid itself under a petal during the rain fall. It adapted itself to overcome a hostile situation. 

I know a family in my village, who offers a mid day meal to a few senior citizens in the neighbourhood. That family enables the senior citizens to experience resilience in life. 

We live in a climate, when people have limited support to experience motivation to envision a future, when challenges overcome them. 

The flower above protected a spider. We are to be protectors of our neighbours, who find daily living burdensome!

That was the message that emerged within me after this experience!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo) 


1 comment:

  1. Great message sir and for the book suggestions. Your writings are so thought provoking and inspiring. Thank you
