06 May, 2024

The provision !


I felt an urge to visit the garden adjacent to our cottage, during the early afternoon time, when the summer sun was shining on the trees and plants. That is the time when the fruits and flowers can look different from the fresh look they offer in the twilight. 

I wanted to capture the natural look of the garden in the bright day light and turned the camera to the automatic mode. 

The colours of the fruits and flowers were blurred and the foliage looked bleached. 

Amidst the scorching heat of the day, the fruits and flowers bore the heat and waited for the evening and night to fall to feel the respite of the dry and hot day. Often the twilight look of these fruits and flowers after the cool night is refreshing to behold!

The Fruits and flowers offer themselves for others, weathering all climate and soil conditions.

As I was returning, when I was no more able to bear the heat, I noticed the Lily above, with its flower and buds, protected by the shady plants on all of its side. 

It was a message to my soul! One would be called to endure all circumstances, but there is protection and provision. The buds reminded me that life has also the dimension of tomorrow and the day after, when more would emerge for others to receive!

The image that stayed with me for the rest of the day was the family of fruits above, each in different stage of formation to be a fruit!

I took time to reflect on this as this happened on a day after I completed some medical check ups, when I became aware of giving more attention to live in an orderly fashion! To grow into fullness of life, amidst the disturbing circumstances, one needs steadfastness of hope and purpose!

That was what this Heron reminded me of! A water bird displaced from its normal environment, found water in a pond in a garden! In the summer month, there was a pond that sustained a Heron. This photo I took earlier, while visiting another garden. brought a message to lift my eyes above the circumstances. The provision of water for a water bird!

The flowers, fruits, and Heron live protected and provided for!

This is a mystery! Such mystical sights bring greater awareness of God consciousness within! 

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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