24 May, 2024

Finding shelter !


The sky was grey and cloudy, as if there would be a cloud burst around noon yesterday. 
Often the birds anticipate what is about to happen and would become quiet and fly to safer places. They look for shelters in the tall trees with thick foliage. There is a quiet spell before the thundering and lightning followed by heavy down pour. 

The stillness and gloom is something worth noticing. If the crows are not moving about at such a time, one can be even more sure of the imminent cloud burst. The crows alert us initially about what is about to happen by them criss crossing between trees, with long and shrilled bird calls. In fact that was the cacophony that called me out into the garden to notice the sky gathering grey clouds. 

While this was happening, a butterfly was moving between lilies gathering its nectar, unmindful of the sudden change that was noticeable in and around. I watched this movement of the butterfly till it started drizzling when the butterfly flew away! I noticed it hiding under the leaf of the pepper creeper in an adjacent tree. I tried capturing it with the camera, but by then it was dark.

It was an unusual occasion to observe how birds and a butterfly  prepared for the impending heavy rain! The birds about fifteen minutes  before the cloud burst, moved to secure places of sheer. The butterfly waited till it started to rain!

A butterfly, is smaller than any bird. It looks more vulnerable to wind and storm. But in its behaviour, it looked more resilient! I found out that the wings of the butterflies are water resistant! So it has advantage over the birds. 

How a small butterfly is protected to preserve itself in adverse situations. The weaker beings are give more protection-this is the order in nature !

In the narration of a healing event on a Sabbath, Jesus of Nazareth seemed to have noticed a man with a withered hand in the synagogue. Jesus called him to the front and asked him to stretch out his hand. He was healed instantly. The mindfulness towards one, who was almost unnoticeable in a gathering! (Mark 3: 1-5).

We live among people, who have varying abilities and needs. Many are resourceful to take care of themselves. There are some, who would benefit from mindful attention of others! 

The governments in Russia, Israel and India are those nations, who have failed to protect people who suffer. The Russian army is still attacking Ukraine and displacing people, the Israel army is still bombing the Palestinians even after the UNO has enrolled Palestine as a nation; the government of India took no firm action to resolve the ethnic crisis in Manipur, with thousands displaced from their homes. During a recent visit to Nagaland, I met residents of Manipur in exile in Nagaland!

We do not hear affirmative voice of reason or action to address these conflicts from governments, churches, civil societies, except sporadic eruption of protests or sanctions or conclaves to diffuse the conflict.  

The law of nature is that of enhanced mindfulness towards the weak! 

The birds and butterfly found shelters during the rain! We live among people who are unable to fend for themselves!

It created within me a new consciousness about mindfulness towards others.

We have a neighbour, who lives from the income he earns from driving his tempo.  He brings vegetables from his garden now and then. When we asked him of his motivation to do so, he said:  'we like to share what we have'! What a state of altruistic consciousness!

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)


1 comment:

  1. Willingness to give is found more who have little. They may have limited resources but big hearts. I have noticed this attitude of giving in the road side vegetable vendors who only have very little to sell but are grateful for your custom and give you more. Not so common in a bigger shop and hardly ever in a supermarket.
