02 May, 2024

The silent ministering presence!

The above three flowering plants are located in one corner of our garden.

The first plant Plumeria blossoms regularly and their blossoms last even a month. The Jasmine flowers might last up to a week. The third flowers, Ruellia, have age of less than a week. 

Every time I notice these flowers, their morphology strikes me. The Ruellia flowers are fragile and their petals feel like tissue paper when felt. But the designs on the petals are remarkably striking. The central long line reaches to the tip of the petals and the smaller ones either side of it reach till the middle of the petals. These lines are connected with intertwining lines some of which look like hexagons. The serrated margins of the petals form a pattern with symmetry on both sides of the central line. The five petals are fused at the bottom to form a hollow with a tendril in the centre for bees to find their nectar. 

Often the Plumeria and the jasmine flowers get noticed. The Plumeria flower offer an elegant and conspicuous look and they are tall plants and stand out n a garden. 

The Jasmine flowers receive attention because of their fragrance. They draw attention naturally.

The Ruellia plant is at the ground level and is likely to be missed especially when the blossoms of  Plumeria and jasmines are in plenty. 

This happened to me the other day. I was admiring the Jasmine and Plumeria blossoms. 

I felt a message of arousal of attention, when I suddenly noticed the Ruellia flowers, as a bee flew into the blossom. Those flowers have so much of aesthetic and decorative richness and yet they did not get noticed initially. 

I suppose it was a call to grow even more in being present to oneself and to what is around me! 

Becoming present to oneself is a progressive experience. From sleep walking, one gets oriented to see, hear, sense and feel and reflect on them. It is a journey thereafter to find meaning in what one experiences. From finding meaning, there is a consciousness within which makes the inner ambience resonate with fullness. It is towards this state of being, Jesus of Nazareth drew people's attention by saying that 'I have come that you may have life and have it abundantly' ! It was a call to feel enlarged! 

To be able to see and receive what is around us with a meaning with which we can connect ourselves to, is the beginning of this journey into growing in inner consciousness. God, who is the light, is in the centre of our being. 

The flowers can speak and awaken us. That was what happened to me!

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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