07 February, 2018

Each day is different!

I have almost daily noticed this magpie robin invite a female robin in response to its singing . So it is common to see two birds after the birdsong begins! Bu today, it could not get another robin to come. So it flew away after twenty minutes (forgive me not capturing it in focus)!

Each day is different! For the birds till the courtship starts, there is uncertainty.

I got two letters in the mail yesterday, both referring to some difficult times. I have moved farther away from those experiences and feel invited to new experiences...but it might not be easy..

Each of us can sing our song like the robin! What response we receive is conditional! 

Jesus of Nazareth went about doing good and did not get affected by some adverse responses he got sometimes!

Let us fill our days by doing good as much as we can, even to those who do not respond!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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