26 February, 2018

Another harvest!

As I watched these farm labourers gather paddy after the harvest, the sun was almost setting! In that fifteen minutes the the it was becoming dusk!

It captivated my attention!

The labourers are drawing the day to close and ready to go home with their wages! It is a daily rhythm for them!

Whether it is the farmer of the farm labourers life is a toil...

I was returning from work that evening!

I reflected over my day... it was also in one sense a demanding day!

I paused to ask:'Did I reach out to anyone today to show mindfulness or concern for all that they do or go through in life !' That is when they invited me to go to them!

That made me get down form the car and go over to the farm labourers to have a conversation! It lifted my spirit and they too were warm!

We are needy, but others are more needy! 

What we can give away is goodness and thoughtfulness. It is a seed that shall bear fruit!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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