27 March, 2015

Returning to Childhood!

Most of us relive our childhood in some way or other regularly!

According to the theory of transactional analysis, within each of us there is a triune relationship co-existing- child, adult and parent. All these three inner realities co-exist to give us completeness.

As I watched these two senior administrators of a large institution move around this boat playfully, I took time to travel back in the memory lane when my grandfather, who was fond of fishing, would often take me in his small fishing boat in the river, early in the morning during holiday time. That used to be hilarious time of listening to his stories of fishing expeditions of forty or so long years. My grandmother would wait for him to return to fry fish for brunch.  There was always a catch for a meal or more. 

Our childhood has formed our interest, values, and choices. There is something resident within us of our childhood that comes alive to give us refreshment about formative experiences. 

The stories I heard from others from the group who joined us at the beach for an evening of leisurely walk were fascinating and revealing. 

It is when we listen to others just for the pleasure of it, we would feel connected with others even more. Listening with attention is one way of valuing others! 

M.C.Mathew(text and photos)

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